Month: October 2008

  • Random Question #8392

    Do you think there is anything in the world that cannot be better?

  • Sigh. But how can you stay mad at this?


    Do you know how draining it is to not be angry when you are actually quite angry? Especially when the person you’re angry at isn’t a person at all, but a puppy, which means that you can’t explain to them why you’re upset and have the satisfaction of them apologizing. No, instead all you get…

  • Alright, he’s not exactly Chuck caliber yet, but considering the way he torpedoes into everything and everyone, I’m surprised I can even get him to do this.

  • I had planned to write this really exultant post about how literary agent Nathan Bransford helped me to realize what kind of books I’m writing, via his post “Book Club Fiction”: Around the publishing industry there has long been a hankering for a certain type of book that is both literary and yet commercial, familiar…