Tag: feminism

  • Stuff worth reading

    Veronica Roth’s speech at Book Expo America 2013: Every writer I know is also here to learn — about spaceships and fall-out shelters and international abduction and horitculture and language and everything. Everything else, everything that makes this world strange and rich and mysterious and ugly and beautiful. Humility in reading and in writing really…

  • This is not usually a space for politics, but the Steubenville rape case has hit the YA community hard, and I have thoughts. (Note: I did blog about this previously, though not as directly as I’m about to.) When the verdict came down yesterday, I was not happy. I was not pleased. I did not feel…

  • Although I am a football fan, this isn’t going to be a sports post. Last night’s game was surprising and exciting in many ways — Har-brothers?! Jacoby Jones?! Blackout?! 3 TD comeback?! — but what I want to talk about today are the commercials. And Beyonce’s halftime show. And the way we perceive each of…

  • Stuff worth reading

    “The Audacity of Lena Dunham, and Her Admirable Commitment to Making Us Look At Her Naked” by Lesley at xoJane.com As a culture, we have at some point lost the knack for being able to see diversity of shape and form as anything other than a series of mistakes that need to be edited in Photoshop.…

  • There are many reasons I don’t watch the nightly news. All the violence saddens me. All the politics frustrate me. And all the misogyny pisses me off. (Instead I prefer to read headlines online, then click through to articles that interest me or offer some sort of enlightenment.) But recently, several appalling stories have broken…