Tag: Spain Story

  • Taking the 777 challenge

    My friend T.S. Bazelli shared a tantalizing little excerpt from her current project, and then challenged other writers to do the same. I guess this 777 thing is going around — and hey, it’s better than ebola! So here’s a slice of my WIP: B is for Barcelona. One of Mom’s closest friends lives there with…

  • I don’t talk much about my “process.” Probably for the same reasons that I feel compelled to put “process” in quotes. It’s just such a fickle, fluid thing. Some days I do X; some days I do Y. If I’m lucky, I can just go back and forth between those two. But more often, I’m…

  • Barcelona sunrise

    Writing was a struggle this weekend, and so is blogging today. I’m pushing myself on the WIP, but I’m taking the easy road out here.For some good blog reads, I highly recommend “I’m Not” by Amy at Just a Titch, found via Lindsay at Birdykins: Fly. Crash. Repeat. As for me, I’m going to share…