Month: May 2008

  • As of tomorrow I will have been living in Cincinnati for one year. That is, three hundred sixty-five days. Or, one twenty-second of my age. I.e., four point five four five four five four five four (…) percent of my lifetime. One whole year. I find it hard to believe that this much time has…

  • After showing one of our favorite professors (Scott Sandage) a picture of our pup: “Is that your dog?” “Yep.” “And that’s his real face?” LOL yes, believe it or not, that is his real face.

  • There’s something new blowing in with the wind. You can see it coming. In two weeks, everything will change. — Last week Sally, my trusty Canon S60, up and died on me. It was heartbreaking, poorly timed (as Angie had just come for her visit), and a needless, senseless death. One day Sally was working,…

  • I received a promo in the mail yesterday for the SUN Magazine, which I had never heard of in any class or literary circle or Web site. But curiosity got the better of me, and I opened it up. I was pleasantly surprised by what I found inside. Dear Reader, Years ago, I was trapped…

  • There’s this pesky parasite in my fingertips called the Internal Editor. He doesn’t like to let me free-write. He insists upon a certain measure of Quality — unless I’m typing in Gmail Chat — and he doesn’t care that Quality slows me down whether she’s just sprinkling herself on my work, or outright smothering it.…