Month: June 2008

  • Good: Cookie dough in the company fridge — that we’re allowed to eat! Bad: People who call to tell you that they can’t read your email until later in the day. Then call back to say they’re on their way home to read your email. Then call back again to say they’ve read the email,…

  • An almost correction

    Riley has asked me to amend the title of my previous post to read “To two of the three most important men in my life.” However, about fifteen minutes ago I was taking him out for his nightly walk when all of a sudden a round of fireworks were set off at a church festival…

  • Happy Father’s Day, Dad! And happy birthday, Andy! I could get really mushy about these guys, but I’ll spare everyone and just link to this great Father’s Day article that Andy sent me, written by his favorite columnist of all time, Rick Reilly.

  • Yes, for some reason, Homearama is one word. But with a sunset like this, do you even care? Yeah, didn’t think so. I had never heard of Homearama, but last weekend Andy and I were eating at Relish, and he realized that we were only a few minutes away from this year’s Cincinnati site. So…

  • Today at lunch I heard “Stacy’s Mom” on the radio. I remember when it came out and every boy on New House 5 would belt it out at random and unfailingly inappropriate times. In line at Si Señor. On the way to calculus. During Alias. In the middle of a late-night, serious heart-to-heart conversation! And…