Recently two of my favorite bloggers, Twenty Four At Heart and Pseudonymous High School Teacher, held giveaways on their birthdays. TFAH actually did a whole week of contests, one of which I won! So, in the spirit of spreading the love, I’ll be holding my own contest/giveaway this Thursday, with the winner announced on Friday, aka Nov 21st, aka my birthday.
Now, I can’t afford to give much, because my part-time salary qualifies me for food stamps — seriously, I just checked — but the value of the prize will be somewhere between 10¢ and $10,000. I’ll leave it to you to figure out which end of the spectrum it’s closer to.
I don’t get many comments [sad face] so I highly encourage everyone to participate. (That means you, lurkers!) Because let’s face it, the odds of winning are pretty decent.
Also, if this turns out to be something we all enjoy, I may try to do it more often. That’s part of the reason there are now advertisements on this site: a girl’s gotta get funding from somewhere! And so far it’s not coming from the writing…
Anyway, tune in on Thursday! And, you know, every day before and after.
8 responses to “Paying it forward”
I want prizes!
Also, you probably don’t qualify for food stamps because if you and Andy purchase food together, then his salary is considered too. (I have also done extensive food stamp checking)
Megan and I buy food separately, so I almost qualify… with my current rent price, i seriously make 200 dollars too much for the state of MA. Sad.
Andy and I don’t share money at this stage, so I didn’t count his salary in the calculations. But yeah, he and my parents are the reason I don’t have to get food stamps despite my salary.
Happy early birthday! Or should I say birthweek. That’s what my son believes in; if his sister’s birthday wasn’t nine days after his I think he would declare a birth month.
And speaking of sharing money, hubby and I (after 5 years of marriage and two of living together before that) separated our checking accounts 15 years ago via Susie Orman’s advice. We split the bills according to income (hubby makes 60% of our income so he pays 60% of the bills). Then, whatever is left over is each person’s spending and saving. For middle incomers, it saves us arguing over petty cash.
Thanks! Yeah, I could totally see a similar arrangement for me and Andy in the future. It’s sort of the philosophy we take now, but not quite, because he makes like 6 times what I do, hahaha, so we fudge the numbers to create a bit more balance.
Sweetness. I think it should be a preview of your new novel ^_- but I’ll take whatever I can get.
Let’s see, it would be nice to get a good free dinner now….
Haha, Marci suggested something like that too. But I think unless I were more established, non-friend readers might feel gypped. :P
A birthday week – how fun! I don’t think it’s legal for me to win anything from you and I’m ok with that …. but I do wish you the bestest of birthdays! :)
Why wouldn’t you be allowed to win??