Month: August 2010

  • I finished rereading Hunger Games and Catching Fire last night, and I thought I would be okay, but seriously, IS IT AUGUST 24TH YET?! I NEED MOCKINGJAY!!!!!! … Ahem. While I attempt to retain (or regain) my sanity, here is some interesting food for thought. 1. As a design professor once told me, limitations lead…

  • This past weekend I set about rereading the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. (A) Because it is brilliant, and enthralling, and I love it. (B) Because the third and final book of the series, Mockingjay, comes out in LESS THAN 10 DAYS OMGYESFINALLY! And (C) It’s inspirational/educational for me as I begin my new…

  • I was going to blog something brilliant, I swear. But then I napped instead. -_-

  • What do “relationship reckless moving job changes” and “i wanna go somewhere away from reality” have in common? A) They both have words that start with R in them. B) They both represent thoughts/feelings that I’ve had recently. C) They are both search terms used to find my website. D) All of the above. (I’m going…

  • Last week, in spite of a nasty RSI flare-up, I finished the sample pages of my proposed Twenty-Somewhere revision (!!!). Today, I sent them off to an agent and an editor (well, technically their assistants). Tonight, I am going to celebrate and relax — by READING! (And also: by starting my next manuscript while I wait…