Month: December 2010
A lot of people are doing these “best of” lists, and I wasn’t going to, but then JJ blogged about her “best books of 2010,” and I commented on her site, and that was half the work, so I figured why not. (Wow, run-on much?) Anyway, in order of when I read them, here are my…
I hope y’all are enjoying a wonderful holiday season with your loved ones.
Last night, my friend Sarah and I got into a discussion about “beautiful words” versus “compelling story.” This quickly evolved (devolved?) into a discussion about literary fiction vs. genre. We weren’t really arguing, since we both came from Serious Literary Aspirations and then broadened our scope to include Passionate YA Love. But I was probably…
me: i SO want to redesign my website b/c it’s a project i can undertake and actually FINISH and SEE the results John: or WRITE me: ugh i know that’s what i’m obviously procrastinating … but also, “new year, new look!” it would make so much sense :D John: or NEW YEAR NEW BOOK me:…
I told you it was going to be quieter around here, eh? No worries, everything is fine. I’m just enjoying some down time after a hectic holiday season that started with Thanksgiving and ended with… oh wait, it isn’t over yet! Well in that case, I’m stealing a few moments for myself in the midst…