Month: December 2010

  • Memories of another time

    Sometimes the best things in life are accidental. … I remember 8-counts, dizzying pirouettes on the dusty cafeteria floor, and waiting with my heart beating in my ears. I remember the shock of hearing my number called. I remember being annoyed with my friend for backing out, and then not caring when I realized she…

  • Musical motivation

    Can I be honest with you guys? Between a bunch of to-dos at work, the craziness of the holidays, and my lame attempts to get back into good reading/writing habits, I have been at a complete loss for what to blog. I don’t want to disappear, but I also don’t want to post just for…

  • Holiday special

    First, I don’t consider myself an “indie author.” That’s what a lot of self-published and self-e-published writers call themselves, and it’s a great term. But I would feel like an imposter if I called myself one. I’m still working on my “real” novels, and searching for an agent, and aiming for the traditional editor/publishing house…