Month: April 2011
Late last week, I hit a snag. Not in the plot, but in my attitude. I was feeling low, impatient, inadequate. Truth is, this happens all the time, to every writer. Sometimes just for a second, sometimes for a day, a week, a month, or (god forbid) a year or more. It’s one of those…
Please note: My “Reading Reflections” are not reviews. They are simply my thoughts in response to certain passages. … I probably never would have picked up this book if two of my best girl friends hadn’t recommended it. It’s nonfic, which isn’t my usual fare, but it’s got a lot of heart. We think we have to…
A couple days ago, I found Christine Lee Zilka through Meghan Ward’s blog, and I was touched by her post about whom she writes for. (Spoiler: her dad.) She ended the post by asking who we write for, and this was my response. I don’t write for just one person… I write for myself first…
I’m doing another giveaway, this time of 3 books: CASTING OFF by Nicole Dickson, ORYX & CRAKE by Margaret Atwood, and FREE FOOD FOR MILLIONAIRES by Min Jin Lee. So far only 2 people have entered, lol, so the odds are ridiculously good. Doesn’t anybody want free books?! Fellow writer Amanda Kendle runs a great…
Please note: My “Reading Reflections” are not reviews. They are simply my thoughts in response to certain passages. … Back in the day, I used to think of books as sacred. Not to be creased, dog-eared, underlined, highlighted, nada. Then again, I also used to buy beautiful pens — fountain, feather, etc. — just to…