Month: May 2011

  • What is the value of a book? No, really! Please tell me what you think it is. I’m curious to hear the different answers and reasons. Specially I’m wondering, what price do you want to pay for a new hardcover? A new ebook? An independently published or self-published paperback? An indie or self-pubbed ebook? ……

  • Book to movie x 3

    These aren’t meant to be reviews, exactly, just a few of my thoughts on some recent film adaptations of books. JANE EYRE I was salivating over this movie for months. I seriously spent DAYS watching clips online, reading interviews, and googling images of Michael Fassbender. (Shh, no judging!) It’s hard to live up to that…

  • Whether you enjoy reading it or not, “chick lit” deserves respect. Just like scifi, mystery, romance, literary, fantasy, YA, or whatever. No, not every “chick lit” title is a thought-provoking look at the complex juggling act of modern-day womanhood — but not every title is about a thin twenty-something meeting Mr. Right on a shopping…

  • History

    Confusion. Disbelief. A flicker of excitement. Hope. Guilt. Waiting. Lots and lots of waiting. And watching. Wanting to know details. Wanting to be sure. Last night’s news was unexpected, to say the least. Historical. I don’t want to get into politics here, but I can’t help feeling the weight of bin Laden’s death, it’s impact…