Month: December 2011

  • Space. Patience. Faith. (Okay, that’s 3, but I think they all go together.) Not your advice. Not articles about Amanda Hocking. Not a subscription to the New Yorker. More than a Macbook or a Moleskine, those 3 things are what your writer needs from you. And from themselves.

  • From “It’s Time” by Dorothy Snarker: You know, every time I write passionately about pop culture, someone will inevitably tell me to lighten up. It’s fiction, idiot. It’s make believe, dumbass. It’s not real, loser. Get a life! This is always terribly edifying. I’m so glad someone finally let me know. Aside from wondering why…

  • “What do you mean it’s going to be 75 degrees?” Andy said. “That’s ridiculous! That’s not Thanksgiving.” I shrugged. “It is in Houston.”

  • Please note: My “Reading Reflections” are not reviews. They are simply my thoughts in response to certain passages. … Over Thanksgiving, I finally read Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, which I really enjoyed and which gave me a lot to think about. Spoiler: it’s not nearly as controversial as the Wall Street Journal excerpts…