Photoshop fun

Since Facebook is forcing this Timeline phooey on all of us, I had to design a cover image for my page. I wanted something simple and visual, but still personalized and relevant. I hope/think I came up with something good…


As time goes on — and I get published, and eventually have multiple books out (?!) — I can update the bottom shelf with my covers, and move the other books/spines up.

(Also, yes, that’s Andy’s book. I’ll be blogging about its new cover soon-ish.)

And then, because Photoshop can be addictive…


Okay, actually it’s just that I love this line from Kelly Clarkson’s “Stronger.” The design is pretty simple/clean, because that’s the way I like my desktop wallpapers. I was thinking I could do a whole series of these — with inspirational or writing-related quotes — to satisfy my occasional design itch. But I dunno, we’ll see. There are probably better ways to spend my time, lol.

12 responses to “Photoshop fun”

  1. Laura Avatar

    These are so cool! I can’t wait to see what you come up with next! :)

  2. Shari Avatar

    That’s my favorite lyric from “Stronger,” too — so inspiring :)

    I love, love, love the cover picture for FB. It’s completely creative and unique. Can’t wait to see all your books featured on it one day!!

  3. Kristan Avatar


    HEE, I knew you would like the Kelly Clarkson line.

  4. mandy Avatar

    i love that quote! hope you don’t mind that i put it as my wallpaper too, i like changing it up regularly with inspiring quotes and pictures. :)

  5. Kristan Avatar

    Don’t mind at all! In fact, that was my hope – that others would enjoy it too. :) And yeah, haha, I change my desktop constantly, which is why I considered (am considering?) doing more of these.

  6. Sonje Avatar

    That’s a really cool cover image for your facebook page. I find few things as frustrating as not being able to find/think of the right image for something and, conversely, few things as satisfying as finding/thinking of the perfect thing.

  7. Torie Michelle Avatar

    Your FB cover image is great! I *think* I know how you made the books, but how’d you do the shelf? I am so out of PS practice.

    I like your wallpaper, too. (Definitely make more!) How can I download the full size? It’s blocked on Flickr. :-(

  8. Jon Avatar

    Hey, I love the new timeline design. I didn’t know Andy wrote books too!

  9. Juliann Avatar

    I didn’t know Andy is a writer, too. How cool!

  10. Stephanie Mooney Avatar

    I love, love, love the desktop wallpaper you made. It’s very striking. It makes me want to design one for myself. If only I had time, lol.

  11. Kristan Avatar

    Thanks! And yes, I totally agree.

    Torie Michelle-
    Lol well I cheated for that part. The bookshelf is the iBooks shelf. I found a JPG of an empty one.

    Hmm, shouldn’t be blocked on Flickr… Try this link?

    Jon and Juliann-
    Well, Andy wrote BOOK. As in, singular. Hehe. He did it in college and published without an agent. I can explain more in the upcoming post about the cover.

    Aw thanks! That means the world to me. And lol yeah, I know you’re short on time. Priorities!

  12. Megz Reynolds Avatar

    I’ve making my own Facebook cover photos as well. But I must say yours is way too better than mine. Can’t wait for your next one. :)