Month: November 2012

  • It’s very difficult to read the things I have written without getting the itch to edit. (Tweak. Undo. Tweak. Undo.) I recently worked some Facebook magic and acquired an easy-to-remember URL for my Page: Andy got me an iPad Mini for my birthday. I love it. Related: I’ve started using Instagram. I’ve also started using…

  • Blue seats. Blue sky. A few blue jerseys, but mostly the crowd is here for the home team. Royal Madrid. We file in, climb up, take our seats. Around us, a few people dig into bags of sunflower seeds or peanuts. Light up their cigarettes. Smoke drifts up in tiny clouds, like swarms of gnats…

  • Turning 27 in less than a week. Wow. In a lot of ways it feels like a nothing birthday — I’m not planning anything, not earning/hitting any milestones — but at the same time, it’s another year gone by. Another step away from youth. And a step toward… what? Maybe that’s the thing. Maybe that’s…

  • After graduating college and moving in with Andy, one of the first things I did was buy a desk. I needed a desk, I thought. How else could I write if I didn’t have a dedicated space for it? Next I bought a chair. Of course. What good is a desk without a chair? Then I…