Month: March 2013
“Ang Lee: A Never-Ending Dream” tranlated by Irene Shih Recalling earlier times, my wife confessed, “I’ve always believed that you only need one gift. Your gift is making films. There are so many people studying computers already, they don’t need an Ang Lee to do that. If you want that golden statue, you have to commit…
This is not usually a space for politics, but the Steubenville rape case has hit the YA community hard, and I have thoughts. (Note: I did blog about this previously, though not as directly as I’m about to.) When the verdict came down yesterday, I was not happy. I was not pleased. I did not feel…
The subway isn’t too crowded at mid-afternoon, but it’s busy enough that there are no free seats. We all shuffle around the metal posts, angling for a handhold. Our bodies sway as one whenever the car stops and starts. At Antón Martín, a white-haired couple comes on, looks around, and settles for leaning against the…
Most of the time, it feels like I simply wasn’t built to be a writer. I have a hard time focusing and sitting still. I’m impatient. I crave praise. I’m not super observant. I’m not all that original. I’m smart but not clever or witty. I’m kind of lazy. I obsess over words and sentences…