Month: July 2013

  • It wasn’t my intention to drag out these safari stories, but I realize that after a month, enough is probably enough. So, don’t worry! I do have one more batch of photos lined up, but with this post — the one you’re reading right now — my tales from Botswana are coming to an end.…

  • Light in the water, and dark shapes on the horizon. Rumblings in the night, and the smell of wild sage. The whisper of the Chobe River, And the gnarled silhouettes of mopane trees. The racing of your heart when you spot lion tracks in the sand, And the laughter in your throat while you watch…

  • You guys, there is nothing cuter than a baby elephant that doesn’t know how to use its trunk yet. Elephants usually master their trunks at about 1 month of age, which means this little guy is probably about 3 weeks old (according to our guide). While his mother elegantly sucks water into her trunk, then…

  • It was halfway through the safari, and everyone was starting to get nervous. We hadn’t seen any lions yet. What if we didn’t see them today? What if we didn’t see them until the last day? What if we didn’t see them at all? Mike, our guide, kept telling us not to worry, but I’m…