Month: April 2015

  • “Not a Real Writer: How Self-Doubt Holds Me Back” by Lindsay Merbaum I’ve watched people who were next to me at the starting line cross over into Multiple-Books-Published and Award-Winning territory while I lag behind, sweating and panting. When they are nice people, I am truly happy for them. When they are not, I hate…

  • Spoiler level: HIGH. If you don’t know what happened on last night’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy — and don’t want to — then walk away now. I could make a long list of things that last night’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy did wrong. From ridiculous plot points and redundant dialogue, to bad green screens and cheap fake-outs. There were dozens of violations, offset only…

  • This month, I finally made use of a present that Andy gave me two Christmases ago. First, I spent a week in England with my dear friend and critique partner Sarah Wedgbrow. It’s been nearly two years since she moved away, and even though we’re constantly in touch, I still miss her every day. Next, I hopped over to…

  • Made a bad choice? Still breathing? Good. Choose again… — Melissa Stewart (@MelissaOnline) January 24, 2013 Web MD is like a Choose Your Own Adventure book where the ending is always cancer. — kelly oxford (@kellyoxford) January 24, 2013 You have such a limited amount of time to do EVERYTHING you’ve ever wanted to do.…

  • “Newsflash: Sometimes It’s Okay To Not Follow Your Dreams” by Kelton Wright Maybe it’s brave to quit your job to go paint in Peru for a year, but it’s also brave to work two jobs to help pay for your mom’s medical bills. It’s smart to stay at the law firm until your loans are…