Category: Personal

  • Happy Father’s Day, Dad! And happy birthday, Andy! I could get really mushy about these guys, but I’ll spare everyone and just link to this great Father’s Day article that Andy sent me, written by his favorite columnist of all time, Rick Reilly.

  • Thanks to everyone for your support yesterday. Sometimes I feel like a self-centered moron for getting so overwhelmed by my problems, which I know are tiny and insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Like a cobweb in the middle of the dark, dank, rancid, rat-infested attic of the world’s issues. I’m lucky, and I…

  • Unsent letter #5567

    Dear Universe, Is there some kind of rule, like, we’re not allowed to have all our sh*t together at one time? Because sometimes it seems like you are monitoring everyone and going, “Oh, you fixed that part of your life? Here, then let me mess this part up for you. You need more to do.…

  • Fyi

    First my dog beat me up, then he wouldn’t go poo. Today I was a very sad dog-momma indeed. — For the past couple of weeks I have been fairly vague about an “upcoming change” in my life, an “edge of the cliff,” so to speak. Well, as an angsty teen I thrived on that…

  • Being Batman

    From “Getting There”: We spend years and years of our lives discovering who we are, and it’s not a sudden realization, but one day you figure out who you are, that you are the type of person who likes to be in charge, or you are the type of person who likes to be given…