Tag: Riley

  • Dear Momma, Yesterday I turned 3 years old. But apparently you don’t care, because you didn’t even blog about it until Dad (posing as me) told you to. That’s fine, I see how it is. Well, maybe someone else will appreciate me. Hey guys, if any of you are interested in an adorable, snuggly, 25-lb.…

  • My dog is at work with me today, and yes, it pretty much is the best thing ever. :) Right now Riley is pooped from running around our 3-story building and greeting everyone. And sniffing every square centimeter of carpet for crumbs. (He’s a very, very good Crumb Finder.) I’ll take him on another social…

  • Dear Riley, Thanks for putting up with me. And cheering me on when I stay up late to write. I’m not going to say too much more, because I wrote you a letter just last week, and you can’t even read. But I wanted to let you know how much I cherish you, how much…

  • Dear Riley, Yesterday you ate poop. Then when I was brushing your teeth, you ate half the toothbrush head. The only thing that I was happy you ate last night was the hydrogen peroxide I used to induce your vomiting. Until I had to pick up all your vomit. Then I wasn’t feeling so cheerful.…

  • Word Count – Aug 5, 2009: Sadly the past two days have not been as productive as the first few. A couple of the hours I lost last night were to my writing group, though, so it’s hard to say that wasn’t worth it. The couple hours of Bones reruns, on the other hand… (I…