Tag: Star Trek

  • “On how to live life ‘on fire with the same force that made the stars’” by my friend Rose Every day I recalibrate and try to do better at living with bravery and pushing what I thought were my limits, but I also remember to be kind to myself. We limit ourselves all the time.…

  • An amazing anecdote from Nichelle Nichols, who played Lt. Uhura in Star Trek: The Original Series: Post by Women of Star Trek.

  • Saw rerun of Bewitched. Recalled childhood kinship w Tabitha bc she was halfie too. Witch, not Asian, but still. <- #WeNeedDiverseEverything — Kristan Hoffman (@kristanhoffman) May 1, 2014 In case you missed it, the YA community is spearheading a charge for increased diversity in contemporary literature. The #WeNeedDiverseBooks campaign is amazing, and you can find…

  • A few nights ago, I went to see Star Trek Into Darkness. As I tweeted the other night: My thoughts can be further articulated by this well-written, thoughtful review at Wired. (Warning: There are MAJOR SPOILERS for both new and old Trek films!) While I agree with almost everything in that review, good and bad,…

  • Yesterday was a sad day for nerds everywhere: Majel Roddenberry, widow of the creator of Star Trek, passed away from leukemia. She played the quirky, sex-crazed mother of ship’s counselor Deanna Troi (a fellow halfie and my favorite TNG character). Now that I think about it, my first understanding of the word “awkward” comes from…