Tag: Stuff Worth Reading

  • Stuff worth reading

    “Daily Momentum: A Little Progress Goes a Long Way” by Andrew Roe Unlike many writers, I don’t do daily word counts or weekly page counts (too much pressure for something as fragile as writing), and I try not to get fixated on writer friends posting about their productivity on social media. Instead, when I’m working…

  • Stuff worth reading

    Madonna’s “Billboard Woman of the Year” speech “As women, we have to start appreciating our own worth, and each other’s worth. Seek out strong women to befriend, to align yourself with, to learn from, to be inspired by, to collaborate with, to support, to be enlightened by.” Cheryl Strayed interview for Scratch the magazine/book Did you…

  • Stuff worth reading

    “The Curious Border Between Fiction and Nonfiction” by Nelli Hermann It is a natural part of the writing and reading process, to feel curious about the veils of a work of fiction, perhaps because the creation of a book is such a private and solitary process, and in so many ways is simply irretrievable—a writer…

  • Stuff worth reading

    “Flexibility and Strength” by Casey Blair The more I level up, the greater narrative control I need, the stronger I need my vision to be for what my story really is at its core. There will always be people who wish for something different from a story. In the end, though, if I’m the author,…

  • Stuff worth reading

    “In Defense of the Struggle” by Meg Fee The thing about struggle, is that it inversely affects entitlement. It engenders gratitude and increases value. It gives shape and provides context. And yet we live in this culture that espouses ease and convenience above all else. “Idea Debt” by Jessica Abel Idea Debt is when you…