Tag: Tweets

  • Tweet treats

    How I know I'm doing the right thing: I may be stressed out, but I'm not miserable anymore. — 1344 (@thirteen44) October 10, 2012 As far as I'm concerned–if you write well enough–you can write about anything your little heart desires. #ChallengeExtended — Jessica Sinsheimer (@jsinsheim) October 11, 2012 Don't worry about people stealing your…

  • Tweet treats

    I should probably do these more often, because whoa I have stored up a lot of tweets…

  • Although I am a football fan, this isn’t going to be a sports post. Last night’s game was surprising and exciting in many ways — Har-brothers?! Jacoby Jones?! Blackout?! 3 TD comeback?! — but what I want to talk about today are the commercials. And Beyonce’s halftime show. And the way we perceive each of…

  • This post is going to look massively long already — but most of it is white space! — so I’ll try to keep the intro short. A couple years ago, Meghan Ward gave me the book THE SECRET MIRACLE, a sort of mass-interview of 60 or so authors. Basically, editor Daniel Alarcón asked a bunch…

  • This past Thursday marked the first ever #NALitChat — a weekly Twitter discussion about New Adult literature (modeled after the popular #YALitChat on Wed nights). Moderators led us through a 5-question agenda — what is NA, who writes it, who publishes it, etc. — and a thoughtful, lively conversation ensued. I’m looking forward to more in the future.…