Every day is a chance to make your dreams come true.
The thought occurred to me the other day, and I believe it. So I should be practicing it.
I did send pages 1-50 of The Good Daughters to Wilkes University’s James Jones First Novel Fellowship (contest). We’ll see how that goes…
In the meantime, I’m going to see if I can start pushing myself to stay up later writing. It’s probably going to be a painful adjustment, but at this point, it seems necessary.
5 responses to “Seize the… night?”
nighttime is a great time to think without distractions. i enjoy this site! gl with it all.
Thanks, Tu!!
Good luck from a fellow JJFN submitter! (Is submitter a word?)
Thanks, Bethany! (I thinks so…) Any idea when we’re supposed to hear back?!
From what I’ve gathered, finalists should be asked sometime in June/Summer (depending on which winner’s story you’re reading) to send in the next 50 pages.