Recently things keep coming up every time I want to blog, jolting me out of whatever mood I’m in and making me rethink whatever I’m about to say. For example, yesterday I was going to blog something happy (I can’t even remember what it was anymore) and then I received a phone call that totally turned the day on its head. Without discussing the contents of the call — because part of the call involved my getting yelled at for divulging too much to people — let me just say that I am a good secret-keeper, and I try to be a good friend and listener, but I have my limits, and when I have the kinds of concerns that I currently have, I AM NOT KEEPING YOUR SECRET. But that does not give you the right to talk sh*t about my mom.
Then today I was going to post about how much fun I had last night going out with girlfriends from work and seeing the Sex and the City movie — more on that awesomeness later — when I received a notice that my (short) short story “Chasing Trains” had been rejected by the editors at the Boston Review. Here’s the feedback:
Good writing, but ending seems a little much.
We look forward to reading more.
It’s not bad, but it’s also not a request for publication. And I was a little surprised by the comment about the ending, seeing as that was more or less the point of the story. Or maybe more accurately, it was the seed that germinated in my mind and inspired me to write the piece. So I guess I’m a little attached to it…
But it could have been worse — like, “Holy crap, woman, you really think you’re going to be a writer? HAHAHAHAHA” — so I’m actually feeling pretty encouraged. And even if that last line is a canned response, I’ll take it! Because goodness knows I’m not done submitting to them.
(Now for the originally scheduled awesomeness.)
In keeping with my inability to like things that other people like, I never really got into Sex and the City. Too much sex, too much pink, too much hype. And way too over-the-top clothes.
So after I blindly accepted my coworkers’ invitation to join their Girls’ Night Out, and then a month later asked what we’d actually be doing, and they replied, “Going to see the Sex and the City movie!” I have to admit, I hesitated. Did I really want to pay the outrageous theater prices to see SATC when I could see Kung Fu Panda instead? Was the possibility of getting to know my coworkers better worth suffering through two hours of crazy fashion and penis jokes? (YES.) Couldn’t I be doing something more fun and productive at home instead?
Okay, first of all, note to self: SHUT UP, SNOB.
Second, SATC rocked.
I’ve only seen like 1.5 episodes of the show, but I had no problem getting into the characters’ lives or personalities. The opening montage established their background info beautifully, and the actresses were so convincing, even when they were borderline caricature, that I felt like I was watching parts of their real lives. I think the best aspect was that the movie ebbed and flowed naturally, the way life does, and it spoke much more to the friendship between the four women than to their relationships with (stupid) men.
And Jennifer Hudson had an adorable cameo role!
In order, these were my favorite moments:
(Partial spoilers from here on out — including the link later — so beware!)
- #3:
Carrie’s impromptu fashion show in her closet, during which the other three girls voted “Take” or “Toss” on each item. Mostly hideous clothes, but such a cute little scene of their fun friendship. - #2:
Carrie and Big in bed teasing each other about library books and glasses and other inane, real life-y things. - #1:
Charlotte screaming, “No. NO!” at Big right after Carrie beats him with her bouquet. The emotion on Kristin Davis’ face literally brought me to tears. In that moment, she wasn’t Kristin Davis pretending to be Charlotte. She WAS Charlotte, defending her best friend from the man who broke her heart.
Seriously, a great movie. Probably not for guys (unless they want to get laid), but for girls who feel passionately about their friends? It’s a must-see.
(If you’re more conservative, you should be prepared to shield your eyes from the nudity. Oh the nudity.)
Based on how much I love this movie, I’m considering watching all six seasons of the show. But, to ensure that Andy won’t kill me for it, I think I’ll treat it as a reward for meeting my writing goals once I go part-time. Like, an episode a day as long as I write at least X hours or at least X hundred words. That’s fair, right?
I thought so.
One last thing about SATC, and then I’ll shut up: I think it’s hilarious that the movie references a book that everyone now wants to buy even though it doesn’t exist. Too bad they didn’t say it was written by me!
4 responses to “Scrambled eggs thoughts”
I was actually going to write in my blog about how I disliked the movie and how I think it encourages women to stay in bad relationships.
But I watched every episode of the series, so maybe my expectations were too high and too specific. I do love the four of them together though.
We disagree, what a surprise =)
Haha, further proving my point that no woman can resist SATC.
I find it really funny that that love letters book was fake!
Personally I didn’t like the 1st and 6th seasons much, and I loove the episodes with Aiden. I was sad he wasn’t in the movie :(
@Marci: Yeah, I had really low expectations, so I’m sure that had an effect.
@Aisha: Haha, I didn’t know you watched! I like the actor that plays Aidan (MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING) but I don’t know much about his character on SATC, except that Carrie didn’t end up with him, obviously.
In a lot of ways he reminded me of German :|