From Hasbro…

Hasbro 250

to Riley…

puppies! 010 Riley 019 Riley settles in 009 Riley settles in 006 Riley settles in 019 Riley 4 life 043 first bath 004 Riley cuddling Giraffey 003 crazy snow! 016 March Riley-ness 001 Riley Says Hi Cincinnati Pt 2 069 Riley misses Andy 004 Riley and Andy at Winton 007 costume testing 002 artsy goofy Riley 006

Today my pupperoni turned 1. :)


We’ve been through a lot together. Nights of endless crying (you, not me) and days of endless playing. Potty training and party tricks. Your first bath. Your first (and only) induced vomiting. Dozens of Dog Whisperer episodes. About ten zillion chew toys.

I’ve learned patience. I’ve grown stronger and more responsible. I’ve come to realize what’s truly important to me, and I’ve taken big steps, big risks, to follow through on those priorities. I’ve apparently joined a club of twenty-somethings who treat their puppies like kids. And I’m okay with that.

I hope you know how much I love you. I think you do. I imagine the constant hugging and kissing is a giveaway, but dogs don’t do that to each other so I can’t be sure. Regardless, I hope I’m not the only one who’s grown and changed for the better in this past year. And I hope we both make even greater strides in the years to come.

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