I would love a job like this:

“[Airports] express all the things that make the modern world so strange and horrifying and beautiful and exciting. They’re all about interconnection. They’re about technology. They’re about our loss of contact with nature; they’re about consumerism and our dreams of travel. All of this comes to life at the airport.”

Heathrow officials hired de Botton, an occasional NPR contributor, to spend a week at the airport and write about what he sees. The results will be published next month and handed out free to travelers.

Then there’s the Romanian cleaning woman who passes by every day. “She very much wants to be in my book,” he says, “but she says that if I do put her in, she needs all her details changed, because otherwise it would disappoint many of her friends in Romania who think she’s got a brilliant career in classical music.”

Terminal Stories of Life and Love in Heathrow (NPR)

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