“My dreams turned into phantoms, bringing me more pain than anything else. Sometimes Wanting can be poison, and it taints every accomplishment because nothing is ever enough. Wanting is not just a writer thing; it’s a human thing. Unchecked Wanting can be dangerous because it gives you this illusion that Getting will make things better. And in the mean time, you withhold your own happiness for no good reason.”
– from Natalie Whipple’s post “You Never Stop Being You”
Don’t worry, guys. I’m not particularly torn up with longing or anything. I’ve just had this quote saved for a while, ’cause I think it’s a great one. I know a lot of people who do this, who think things will be better once X, Y, or Z happens. But X, Y, and Z are just excuses people make for not finding happiness now.
On a somewhat related note: “Sit With It”
9 responses to “Check your Wanting”
Great quote and so very true. :)
.-= • Recent post by sarahjayne: Laser surgery =-.
I love that quote! Thanks for sharing with us. :)
.-= • Recent post by Kimberly Franklin: Funny Break! =-.
What a nice Buddhist sentiment. :)
.-= • Recent post by Sonja: In which my feelings about the dentist speak volumes about my feelings about my life =-.
LOL, Sonja. Yes, I suppose it is.
Yay me! =p
.-= • Recent post by Aurora: Sit with it =-.
That quote made my heart ache. Man. That girl has got to get published!
.-= • Recent post by Sarah: Writing the Midnight Post =-.
FOR SERIOUS. I’m still shocked that she hasn’t been. I mean I know she’s agented, but based on what I’ve read, if I were an editor I would be snapping up her books left and right! Sigh. Just further proof how crazy this industry really can be.
I am definitely in the “never satisfied” camp, and it’s a serious problem. I haven’t previously read posts at Natalie’s blog, but now that I’ve read this quotation and seen her adorable header–really, a design that grabs my attention is 75% of what matters…lol–I’m going to check out the entries for more things I’m sure to like.
.-= • Recent post by Torie Michelle: Poem-a-Day Challenge | April 1, 2010 =-.
Haha, yeah, I love her design too! She just changed it, actually. She’s very artistic, so this is fitting.