In a completely random turn of events, I’m going to be on NPR tomorrow.


Yeah, clearly I’m still digesting this news myself.

Here’s how it went down: I left a comment on the NPR website about being a halfie (see here) and next thing I know, someone is contacting me about recording the comment to put on air. Would I be interested? HECK YEAH I would! How cool is that?

So she called, we did a quick sound check, and then I recorded the comment (about 98% verbatim) and answered a few follow-up questions. I don’t think I sounded like an idiot, but either way I hope they work some editing magic. I’ll take the voice of Ming-Na Wen, the polish of Michelle Obama, and the beauty of Jessica Alba (brunette, please).

So what if you can’t see beauty through the radio?

Supposedly my comments will air tomorrow during the Tell Me More show, specifically their “Back Talk” segment. Unfortunately I don’t know what time, but I plan to listen all day, hahaha. And if I miss it somehow, it should eventually be available for download from their website (see here).

Crazy, right?

Too bad I didn’t think to plug my website or my writing…

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