A lot of people are doing these “best of” lists, and I wasn’t going to, but then JJ blogged about her “best books of 2010,” and I commented on her site, and that was half the work, so I figured why not. (Wow, run-on much?)
Anyway, in order of when I read them, here are my fave books of 2010:
What were your fave stories this year? You can mention books, movies, news stories, YouTube videos, TV shows, whatever. Just share the awesomesauce™!
(Note: Awesomesauce™ is not truly a registered trademark of Erin Danehy, but it probably should be.)
13 responses to “My favorite reads of 2010”
I definitely enjoyed the Hunger Games series. I also liked *Seeking Sara Summers* quite a bit. *The Magical Life of Long Tack Sam* was also a great book.
My favorite children’s book find this year was “Orca’s Song” by Anne Cameron.
I’d say that my favorite TV find for me was series (season) one of BBC’s *Mistresses.*
My favorite children’s movie find this year was “My Neighbor Totoro.”
My most favorite things this winter are my neck warmers (the Turtle Fur version as well as my Buff bandannas). I am completely addicted to them.
I’ve been thinking about doing a favorite books post, too — the problem is narrowing it down to just a few :P If you had to choose only one from your list as an absolute favorite, what would you pick? (And yes, I’m being a total hypocrite, because I don’t think I could decide on only one!)
Um… I hardly read at all this year so I don’t think I’m qualified to answer that question… and yes reading more is a resolution for 2011 haha.
I know it came out maybe a year or two ago, but I really enjoyed “The White Tiger” by Aravind Adiga this year. Following Sonja’s lead, favorite TV Discovery is a tie between Little Britain and The IT Crowd–both found on Netflix on Demand.
I have been meaning and meaning to read Jodi Picoult – anything by her – but I have such a hard time convincing myself to read anything “adult” lol.
I do like Sherman Alexie, now I’ll have to pick up that novel. And I also blew through the hunger games series, albeit via audiobook for my annoying L.A. suburbs commute :)
I love so many of the books on your list! Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet was on one of my lists last year and it’s one of my all-time favorite books. Same with Eat, Pray, Love. Ya-Ya is on my shelf but I haven’t read it yet. One of these days…
I read a lot of good books during the year, but these are the ones that really stand out for me:
Gardens of Water — Alan Drew
The Help — Kathryn Stockett
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society
Black Wave — John and Jean Silverwood
Confessions of a Prairie Bitch — Alison Arngrim
The Well and the Mine — Gin Phillips
I’m actually surprised that most of my picks this year are fiction. I usually read more non-fiction.
Totoro! I haven’t seen that in FOREVER… I think I also watched it in Chinese, so I probably didn’t understand a lot of it.
Oh, I can almost NEVER pick just one favorite of anything. I could narrow it down to a few… Catching Fire, Ya-Ya, Hotel, Duff, Hero. That’s the best I can do!
Lol good resolution.
Interesting. I remember all the hype around White Tiger when it came out, but I never looked into it. Maybe I’ll check it out…
Haha, yeah, you can see I skewed more YA this year myself. Still, Picoult’s books are highly readable, and each one addresses a different topic/issue. Just pick one you’re interested in. The style/structure is very similar in all of them (and I mean that in a good way).
Ya-Ya is so heartbreakingly fun and real. The author breaks all the rules (dreams, flashbacks, jumping heads, past and present) but it works!
I definitely want to read The Help!
I tend to avoid these “lists” too because they stress me out–what if I forget something?!? You picked a lot of the same that I would. I am going to read Sherman Alexie’s book sometime soon.
I have been reading almost all YA, but my favourite is definitely The Hero and The Crown. Matched managed to make the list too. I’m re-reading it now and underlining all the good bits. Oh, the BEST book I read this year is Joseph Campbell’s The Power of Myth. My heart races just thinking about the genius of it. :)
I loooooooooooooooved ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS! Loved! Loved! Loved! (oh, btw….did you know that I loved it?)
HEE I know the feeling! I can’t wait for LOLA and ISLA… To ease the pain of waiting, I reread a few bits of ANNA already!
I haven’t read the Hunger Games series, but I want to! And I love your grid of book covers. My favs in 2010: Snow Mountain Passage (and old book, but I read it in 2010), The Book Thief, The Lonely Polygamist, Portrait of an Addict as a Young Man. Sadly, I only read 12 books the entire year, so my list is short.
The Book Thief is on my to-finish list for this year! :P