Psst! Don’t forget to check out the July giveaway for your chance to win HALF A LIFE by Darin Strauss or THE LOVE GODDESS’ COOKING SCHOOL by Melissa Senate.

I have just a few days left in July, and no idea whether or not I will finish my first draft. I think it’s still doable, but it’s turning out a bit differently than I expected. I’ll blog more about that next week.

In the meantime, please enjoy these writerly links. I sure did!

1. Brian Buckley’s sixteen simple rules for writers. Sadly, these are absolutely true. Wry and paradoxical, but true nonetheless.

2. Kate Hart provides a really nice visual breakdown of YA cover demographics. Conclusion: They are not all “dark.” In fact, they’re mostly white. And by white, she means ethnically.

3. In a lovely and unexpected analogy, Joelle compares writers to spiders.

The story when completed will snare a reader’s attention and wrap that person up in it until the story is done. The reader will then rest upon those delicately woven threads realizing that they have been caught up in the web that the author has created. Smiling and sated the reader will wait in delicious anticipation for the next story.

4. Last but not least, a LONG but inspiring keynote speech from bestselling romance writer Sherrilyn Kenyon about the hardships she faced and overcame. Makes my life seem like an afternoon stroll through a garden of roses.

In my darkest hour, my best friend who happened to be an editor for a magazine did the most incredible thing of all. She offered me work. “Now I know you haven’t written in awhile, but if you’re willing to do it…”

Oh my God, are you serious? I can get paid and not take off my clothes? I’m so there.

I hung up and went to the closet where my husband kept his old typewriter. Then I sat down on the floor — we had no furniture in our apartment at that time — and the moment my fingers touched those keys the most amazing thing happened. Every character. Every voice I’d silenced on that cold winter night when my brother had died, came back with a screaming clarity. I had no choice but to write.

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