Yo: I’m giving away 2 copies of TWENTY-SOMEWHERE on That Hapa Chick’s blog as part of the “All Things Asian” celebration. It’s an honor to join in the festivities, and the interview was a lot of fun. It includes 2 pictures of me as a kid, with bonus embarrassing hat!

Andy and I spent this past weekend back in Pittsburgh. It’s where we went to college, where we met, where we fell in love. The city is a beautiful mix of brick, metal, and glass — of old and new — of buildings short and tall, all standing shoulder to shoulder, dotting the hillsides. Nearly a dozen bridges lace back and forth across the river, and on a clear night, the downtown lights shine like fireflies.

(Unfortunately I didn’t get any good pictures of the skyline, so you’ll have to take my word on all this.)

It was nice to visit again, after so many years. But also weird. The trip stirred up a lot of feelings and memories, both good and not-so. I’m not even sure how to put it all into words… so for now, I’ll use photos and focus on the good.

The food — Pamela’s, Primanti Bros, Fuel & Fuddle, Coca Cafe

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The fun — Penguins playoff game, the Toonseum

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The fabulous — two of my dearest friends getting married to each other

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