The other day, Sonje pointed out that I haven’t talked much about my manuscript or what I’m doing with it these days. The answer: Editing.

Unfortunately, I am the tortoise to her hare. While I have been plodding through the swamp of my first draft, trying to firm up the ground so that readers will have someplace to stand rather than sink, Sonje has proofed 3 out of her 4 Detective Series novels and published them on Amazon. CHASING, ECHOES, and LANDSLIDE are all available for Kindle, with the final book to follow soon. I had the privilege of beta-reading these awhile ago, and let me tell you that they were a blast! If you like snark, sex, and mystery, then Oz is definitely the lesbian private eye for you.

Other than editing, the truth is that I haven’t been up to much. My life is fairly boring — and I mean that in a good way. (God I hope I’m not jinxing this…) My days have a rhythm, a stability that I appreciate. I meet with the We Heart YA girls every week, and Facetime with Erin, and call my folks, and watch sports with Andy, and email my friends, and eat, and read, and go for walks, and sleep. This is essentially what I want the rest of my life to look like — except with someone paying me for my writing, lol. Hopefully I can make that happen sooner rather than later.

Sure, I have stresses and concerns. We all do. And occasionally mine gang up on me and manage to get me down. Thankfully I have a good support network to help me push back up to my feet. I’m never too low for too long.

So anyway, if you don’t hear much about my writing, that’s why. It’s just not interesting to blog about. “I spent a day revising Chapter 6, with a net loss of 97 words. Then I spent another day revising Chapter 7, with a net gain of 14 words. Then I had to go back to Chapter 4, because I forgot to take out…” Blah blah blah you get the point.

There’s a reason you don’t see reality shows about writers. Our daily lives are often dull. We save all the drama and excitement for the page.

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