These really make more sense on a Friday, Saturday, or even Sunday, but oh well. Also, if I’m going to keep doing this (which apparently I am) then I should probably date them so I don’t have a million posts with the same name…

  • Last weekend, Andy and I drove for 3 hours and didn’t even make it 100 miles. Thanks a lot, Ohio. We were prepared to encounter the whole #BuffaloSnow craziness, but not six different 18-wheelers skidding off I-71.
  • Once we finally got to Andy’s parents’ house, I realized that I forgot my laptop cord at home. A whole week without a computer? Liberating and traumatic at the same time.
  • Andy and I got firsthand experience with a newborn. The first few days were like, “Okay, this isn’t so hard.” The next few days were like, “OMG IT NEVER STOPS.”
  • Inspired by this woman’s amazing naptime photos of her son, Andy and I did this:

2014 11-24 aladdin scene

  • We also went to see a couple movies. Mockingjay Part 1 was another quality installment in the series, and not at all “boring” like some of the reviews made me fear it would be. Granted, I do think they’ve left a lot to be covered in the finale, but I guess that’s on purpose. (Side note: I wasn’t expecting the makeup/CGI effects that they used on… a certain someone. It looked just like Bella wasting away during her pregnancy in Breaking Dawn Part 1.)
  • I also saw Big Hero 6. For some reason I found it hard to suspend my disbelief during the battle scenes — yes, even though it was a children’s animated movie — but I really, really enjoyed the diversity of the cast. (Tadashi was one hot cartoon, yo.) Also, I now want to fist bump like Baymax all the time. (It’s even better with the sound effect, hehe.)

  • Last but not least, I went with Andy’s family to pick out a live Christmas tree. It was my first time. I like how the trees smell.

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