I’d say I love writing, but it’s truer to say I love sharing the things I think up and writing is the price I’m willing to pay to do that.
— Frank J. Fleming (@IMAO_) April 2, 2013
‘I’ before ‘E’ except when there’s a feisty heist on weird beige foreign neighbours reinventing protein at their leisure.
— Lucy Carter (@lucethoughts) April 4, 2013
That moment when you’ve reread your own words so many times that they lose all coherent meaning and platypus jump rope factory . #amediting
— Ben L. J. Brooks (@BenLJBrooks) April 4, 2013
Before you marry a person you should first make them use a computer with slow Internet to see who they really are.
— Peter Klesken (@PeterKlesken) April 6, 2013
Dreams are like stars—they look awesome in the sky, but once you pull them down it’s all giant flaming gas ball, unwieldy and terrifying.
— Natalie Whipple (@nataliewhipple) April 8, 2013
I just want to add more beauty, love, art, and kindness into the world. There are worse goals.
— MichaelDamianThomas (@michaeldthomas) April 10, 2013
There are few things more suspicious than a loud crash followed by “Mommy, I love you,” shouted from the other room.
— AndieAndieBoBandie (@andreashock) April 11, 2013
#1: Talent hits a target no one else can hit; genius hits a target no one else can see.
— GS Elevator Gossip (@GSElevator) April 22, 2013
I think to actually succeed as a writer one needs to love writing at least 20x more than the idea of getting published.
— Shannon Hale (@haleshannon) May 1, 2013
5 year old customer: I don’t want a bookmark. Us: Its for when you stop reading. 5 year old: I’m never going to stop reading.
— Third Place Books (@ThirdPlaceBooks) May 1, 2013
a sentence will always look like poetry if you hit enter a lot
— Bill Murray (@BiIIMurray) May 1, 2013
People seemed to like authors a lot more before they had unfettered access to our opinions and eating habits.
— Jaye Wells (@jayewells) May 10, 2013
“The connections btwn & among women are the most feared…& most potentially transforming force on the planet.” – Adrienne Rich
— MAKERS (@MAKERSwomen) May 16, 2013
The thing with writing is the better you get, the longer everything takes, because you are working in more modes simultaneously.
— Elizabeth Bear (@matociquala) May 17, 2013
If I ever start to feel a little too confident in life, I like to try to fold a fitted sheet. Puts me right back in my place, every time.
— Rebecca Behrens (@rebeccabehrens) May 20, 2013
Writing a novel is 10% inspiration 98% perspiration 11.8% bad at math.
— Dustin Hansen (@DustHansen) May 20, 2013
“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” ~Goethe
— Tiny Buddha (@tinybuddha) May 24, 2013
Twitter is like a college boyfriend who I know I can’t stay with forever cuz he’s just too much drama but right now we’re gonna live it up.
— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) May 27, 2013
heard today: “there’s no such thing as bad dessert. it’s like bad sex. it may not have been great, but hey at least you got some.”
— Rose Kuo (@tigerose) May 29, 2013
How to tell your theories about what women should be allowed to do are outdated: You have theories about what women should be allowed to do.
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) May 30, 2013
“It is what you read when you don’t have to that determines what you will be when you can’t help it.” ― Oscar Wilde
— Epic Reads (@EpicReads) June 1, 2013
If you’re wearing khaki above the waist I’m going to assume you know everything about every animal.
— tony logan (@tnylgn) June 3, 2013
“Don’t be difficult. With a little effort, you could be impossible.” – My Grandmother.
— J Rosser Lomax (@YesReallyJ) June 6, 2013
My super power is the ability to hangout with my friends and not post it on Facebook.
— Tom (@AlaskanTom) June 11, 2013
“I want to write, but more than that I want to bring out all kinds of things that lie buried deep in my heart” Anne Frank, born June 12 1929
— Karen Harrington (@KA_Harrington) June 12, 2013
3 responses to “Tweet treats”
Rose Kuo:
A young person said that. With age, you learn that some sex is better skipped.
Desserts, on the other hand…
Jaye Wells:
One reason, perhaps, for the enduring popularity of Thomas Pynchon. Not the only one, of course.
Ben’s made me laugh — it’s so true!
I love these tweets. Thanks for doing all the hard work of screening for us.