Tag: New Adult

  • I recently read this line in WILD by Cheryl Strayed, and it strikes me that this is exactly why our 20s matter, why they are not “wasted” years as some skeptics have argued: “I never got to be in the driver’s seat of my own life,” she’d wept to me once, in the days after…

  • This past Thursday marked the first ever #NALitChat — a weekly Twitter discussion about New Adult literature (modeled after the popular #YALitChat on Wed nights). Moderators led us through a 5-question agenda — what is NA, who writes it, who publishes it, etc. — and a thoughtful, lively conversation ensued. I’m looking forward to more in the future.…

  • Yes, Girls. As in, the HBO show! What did you think I meant? Now, I know everyone and their mom is talking about Girls, and I really, really didn’t want to add to that noise… But I have to. I have to, because after watching Lena Dunham’s movie Tiny Furniture, I thought I was going…

  • First, a big thanks to Erin, who sent me the link that served as the seed for this post. Second, here’s my take on what “New Adult” even means. Third, here we go. … The Young Adult Review Network asks: “Where are all the young adults?” When is the last time you read a YA book with…

  • Today — late last night, technically — I was over at We Heart YA talking about how YA, like Pinocchio, is a real boy, goshdarnit! It all started with an email I received from a fellow writer. Once you read the WHYA post, you’ll see. Anyway, that was a year and a half ago, and…