Between shopping for a casual men’s jacket, going to Discovery Green in the rain, catching up with Barbara (Alex’s Momma #1 and my Momma #2), and spending hours trying (unsuccessfully) to get our sailboat’s motor to start, I unfortunately did not find time to upload any photos on Friday. I am so sorry. Please accept these fireworks as a display of my never ending regret.

Clear Lake 023 Clear Lake 030
Clear Lake 028 Clear Lake 035

“Not good enough!” Andy says. “Actions speak louder than intentions, and you did not meet your deadline. Thus you have failed, and I banish you to that vine-like prison.”

“What vine-like prison?” I ask.

“THAT ONE,” he says, pointing.

museums with Mom 005

“Oh,” I say.

“Wait, this one’s prettier!” my mom chimes in.

“Hey! Whose side are you on?” I ask.

She takes a moment to consider her answer.

“Andy’s,” she finally replies.

“Oh,” I say.

museums with Mom 008

And so it was that I came to be jailed by my mom and boyfriend in a giant red claw. Or something.

2 responses to “Foto Friday: Um, and by Friday, I really mean Sunday?”