Between shopping for a casual men’s jacket, going to Discovery Green in the rain, catching up with Barbara (Alex’s Momma #1 and my Momma #2), and spending hours trying (unsuccessfully) to get our sailboat’s motor to start, I unfortunately did not find time to upload any photos on Friday. I am so sorry. Please accept these fireworks as a display of my never ending regret.
“Not good enough!” Andy says. “Actions speak louder than intentions, and you did not meet your deadline. Thus you have failed, and I banish you to that vine-like prison.”
“What vine-like prison?” I ask.
“THAT ONE,” he says, pointing.
“Oh,” I say.
“Wait, this one’s prettier!” my mom chimes in.
“Hey! Whose side are you on?” I ask.
She takes a moment to consider her answer.
“Andy’s,” she finally replies.
“Oh,” I say.
And so it was that I came to be jailed by my mom and boyfriend in a giant red claw. Or something.
2 responses to “Foto Friday: Um, and by Friday, I really mean Sunday?”
Hey! I know that claw-sculpture thingie! It’s in front of the MFAH, yes?
Also: “Hey! Who’s side are you on?”
That’s WHOSE, ma’am. ;]
Yes, in front of the MFAH!
And DOH, that’s what I get for multitasking. Danke!