I know this probably is not news to anyone, but it just hit me: DECEMBER IS CRAZY!

We’ve been to three holiday events for Andy’s work, we did our early Cincinnati Christmas last night, and we’re going to two weddings this weekend. My hand hurts from writing out driving directions: home to wedding #1 to reception #1 to home to aunt’s house to wedding #2 to reception #2 to aunt’s house to airport (me) and Andy’s house (him). Ah!

And let’s not talk about holiday gifts, or cards, or anything, because I totally don’t have any for anyone. It’s got nothing to do with the economy, although I suppose that could be a convenient excuse…

Anyway, I’m going to go hide under the bed until February (because January will be crazy too) but my plan is to have a new episode of Twenty-Somewhere on Monday as usual. In the meantime, the NYT reviewed Malcolm Gladwell’s new book, Outliers, and I’m intrigued. I loved Blink.

Gladwell’s latest book, “Outliers,” is a passionate argument for taking the second version of the story more seriously than we now do. “It is not the brightest who succeed,” Gladwell writes. “Nor is success simply the sum of the decisions and efforts we make on our own behalf. It is, rather, a gift. Outliers are those who have been given opportunities — and who have had the strength and presence of mind to seize them.”

I have been told as much before, and I agree: talent alone won’t do anything for you. You’ve gotta work hard and take advantage of opportunities too.

Diane tells me she’s almost done reading Outliers and we can see a recap/review of sorts on iluv2read soon. (No pressure, Diane.)

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