From birth until kindergarten I was Maggie — Maggie being the closest real name to Mei+Gil, my parents’ names, and deemed more appropriate for a baby than Kristan. (Thank you for not naming me Magel!)

When I started elementary school, I decided a big girl needed a big girl name, so I politely requested (read: brattily insisted) that everyone start using my real name. Then for about two weeks after Disney’s Beauty and the Beast came out, I insisted on being called Belle. Needless to say, that didn’t stick.

In high school I became Hoffy. I also received my first and only relationship nicknames, none of which I will inflict upon your innocent ears.

Finally, in college I was dubbed Stan, and I hated it. (Why couldn’t I be Kris? I love the nickname Kris!) I resisted Stan for a long long time — like, at least a month — until finally a friend was talking about a stand-up comedian, and I turned and said, “Huh? Me?”


Now I love Stan, and actually that’s what my boyfriend (who I met in college) calls me as if it were my real name. To him it is!

I also love when friends tell me they met someone named Stan (usually 40-year-old car salesmen or such) and thought for a minute, “Man, that poor guy has a girl’s name!”

When people ask me what I like to be called, I never really know how to answer. I still get Maggie, Kristan, Hoffy, and Stan — and Pantsface, don’t ask — and I love each of them for different reasons.

So really, what’s in a name? More importantly, what’s in your name? Where’d it come from? Do you like it, hate it, plan to change it? (You can also answer about your online name, if you don’t go by your real one.)

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