Ugly: Tatiana’s laugh/scream. She did a good job toning it down after she made it into the Top 36, and I did feel bad for her getting cut from American Idol last night, but seriously? Listen again. And make sure you’re not near any windows.

Bad: I’ve been at a loss for words lately, both here on the blog and in my writing. There’s a lot of “soul-searching” occurring in my tiny little head, so there isn’t much brainpower left for anything else. I feel very strange and unsatisfied when I’m not working on a story, but I don’t think I’m quite ready to dive back in yet. Good lord, I hope that changes soon. Like, today soon.

Good: I’ve got a whole list, so bear with me. (And blame Katy, the list-lover!)

• Supposedly I have won an iPod Touch! (I say supposedly only because I haven’t received it yet and don’t want to jinx it.) For those of you thinking HOW and WHY and IHATEYOU, I can only say, “Giveaway at To Think Is To Create,” “Luck,” and “Hmm, that’s not very nice.”

• After months of arguing with my dad about domain names, my mom finally settled the matter and just picked one. Introducing the website for my parents’ printing company, Grafikshop, designed by yours truly. (It’s nothing special, but I hope it helps them out!)

• My friend Margot came up with a very original, very hilarious response to the Octuplet Mom. (Do I think 14 babies is crazy? YES! Especially if you can’t afford them!)

• Last but not least, we’re taking Andy’s mom to Chicago this weekend! It’s Andy’s Christmas present to her, because she’s never been and we love going. Our plan is to visit a couple parks and museums, see Jersey Boys, and shop a bit. Now let’s just hope it doesn’t get too abysmally cold…

What’s your Good/Bad/Ugly?

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