Hello to everyone who is coming here from Dooce’s hit post about her bathroom makeover/catastrophe!

For the record, I adore Heather, but I think the tile looks like poo. And I think someday she’ll come to that realization as well. For now, she and Jon are too busy being defensive. That’s okay, I do it all the time.

Anyway, I really just wanted to say that people can disagree with someone — even an internet rock star — and still be 100% decent human beings. Take me, for example. I love dogs, I recycle, and I brush my teeth twice a day! What more could you ask for?

And yeah, I could have kept my opinion to myself, but (a) she blogged about it, posted pictures, and opened it up to discussion, so what does that suggest? And (b) I actually can’t keep my opinions to myself. It’s a like a disease or something.

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