Hmm. I had no idea those postcard stories would be so popular. FYI there’s a second round (from the workshop) coming next week, but I’m also pondering whether or not to make these postcards a more regular feature… Thoughts?

Blogging/writing has been difficult the past few days because (a) no internet at work yesterday, and (b) Repetitive Strain Injury is kicking my ass. Or really, my left wrist. I’ve got a brace for it, but of course, I only wear the brace after I notice the RSI coming on. Note to self: brace is supposed to be PREVENTATIVE. Also: teach yourself better typing habits!

Anyway, that means I’ve been writing by hand, which is actually a nice change. I feel productive when I can see how many pages I’ve gone through in a day. (Even if those pages are half-full of cross-outs…)

Based on Publishers Lunch, zombies are the new vampires. In literature, at least. Makes me wonder if I should change what I’m writing… but the undead are creepy! I guess I’ll leave them to writers made of sterner stuff.

Speaking of things that might be worth trying, looks like a couple of writers are doing online serialized novels for free/donations.

(Note: I haven’t read these, just heard about them.)

In a way, that’s what I was going for with Twenty-Somewhere, but I eventually took down the donation link because (a) I wasn’t getting any, and (b) I think the integration of 20SW with my blog makes it less… cohesive? I dunno. I might try it again someday.

(Or I might become a multi-millionaire NYTimes bestseller and screw it, haha.)

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