From an NPR story on the new book “Magicians,” which sounds pretty sweet:

The author says he used to care about being a “literary novelist,” but now all he cares about is telling a good story.


Me. Freaking. Too.

I don’t want to go into a rant, because that’s too easy. It’s too easy to blame other people for my former pretentious hangups. The truth is, I lost sight of what is important to me. But now I have it in mind again, and I’m working harder than ever to achieve my goals:

  1. Tell stories that people enjoy.
  2. Positively impact the lives of young people through my writing.
  3. Earn a living off the work I love doing.

With that in mind, I have started to tweak the website (moving the writing out of the blog and onto separate pages, as well as integrating the Amazon store like I said I would linking to my Amazon Author page) which means I’m not sure a real redesign is necessary… So much for that reward. Maybe I’ll just gorge on Yagööt instead!

That is, IF I reach my goal…

Word Count – Aug 11, 2009:

That doesn’t include everything I wrote today, but it’s still a little behind where I ought to be. Then again, it’s farther than I would normally be without this challenge!

Can I write 42,000 more words in the next 20 days? We’ll find out…

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