As Sonja pointed out, I have been AWOL, thus denying you your not-quite-NaNoWriMo voyeurism. Sorry! Here’s my best estimate of the current word count. I’m still behind on typing because Wednesday was busy, Thursday was weird, and today I’m just tired.
Word Count – Aug 14, 2009:
The bright spot has been adding 2 new Kindle/iPhone/iPod Touch offerings and seeing some sales growth.
My friend John says this most recent Twenty-Somewhere cover is responsible for the growth. ;P
Actually, several people this week have purchased the entire 20SW series, which says to me that they like it, which says to me that I don’t completely suck. Woot!
I also updated the website buttons, the Writing page, and the Twenty-Somewhere page. I’m happy with them, even though it means more manual work for me.
Anyway, time for bed. I probably should be writing, but I’m giving myself a holiday. The bags under my eyes insist.
(Sigh. I think Eric is going to beat me…)
2 responses to “Who says you can’t go home?”
But lord, you and I are both kicking butt! People don’t write this fast. They just don’t. So feel good about the progress you have made, and big congrats on your 20SW success.
.-= • Recent post by Eric: Closing =-.