Hey folks, I am living it up in Danbury, Connecticut.
Andy and I are visiting our college friend Ryan for the weekend, and man did he show us the sights. Al’s Hot Dog Stand, Golf Quest putt putt course, and then homemade lasagna while we watched college football. Or rather, while the boys watch college football, and I wrote/watched Sex and the City.
Anyway, between the flight here and the first half of the Ohio State v. USC game, I was able to finish writing Episode 30 of Twenty-Somewhere — and map out the rest of the “season”! The girls have quite a bit in store for them, but I hope they (and you) will like it.
3 responses to “Weekend in the CT”
I aim to love it!
.-= • Recent post by Angie: Belief =-.
I think I would like Connecticut…
I’ll be back after work to caatch up on my Twenty-Something reading.
.-= • Recent post by Pseudo: I’m Back: More or Less… or is Less More? =-.
My in-laws live in CT for about half of each year. I’m so behind on your stories. This is the first week school is back in session here. Hopefully I’ll get a routine which includes more reading time here shortly!
.-= • Recent post by Twenty Four At Heart: Skinny Dipping =-.