Please take a moment to check out this moving trailer for the documentary by Charlotte Glynn called “Rachel Is.”

Jane, the mother in this documentary, was one of my creative writing professors at Carnegie Mellon University, one of my favorites in fact, and I’d like to think she’s my friend. I made a point of not reading any of the work of my professors while I was taking their classes, because I didn’t want to color my opinion of their teaching. After I graduated, I finally and happily let myself read Jane’s memoir Bereft: A Sister’s Story, which recounted her sister’s murder and its effects on herself and her family. It’s a sad subject, to be sure, but Jane’s writing was beautiful and her journey profound. I can only imagine how that gift for storytelling and evoking emotions was transmitted to her daughter, and translated into film.

Jane has also written about Rachel, in Loving Rachel: A Family’s Journey from Grief and Rachel in the World. I haven’t read them yet, but I plan to. I can only imagine that they are as genuine and lovely as Jane herself.

(Cross posted at Just Between Us.)

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