On Wednesday night Andy and I flew down to Georgia/South Carolina to attend Andy’s brother’s graduation from boot camp. He is now a United States Marine. He looks great, sounds great, and seems happy. We are extremely proud of him.

We are also extremely still in Georgia. We figured we came all the way down here, we may as well make a vacation of it. Right? Right! Well, we forgot that we’ve already been on like twelve billion vacations (or “vacations”) this year. And we’re tired. And the holidays are coming up. And we just need a break.

Oh well, too late now.

So anyway, while we check out all the town squares and fresh seafood that Savannah has to offer, I thought I’d serve y’all some delicious (borrowed) words.

Everyone’s favorite editorial assistant Moonrat has chosen the winners of her Mentors, Muses & Monsters contest, and I have to say, I’m glad I didn’t enter something (half-assed) because she got some AMAZING entries. Here are excerpts from the first two that she chose as winners:

“Tribute to Andy” by Gemma Noon (Note: The name is a coincidence! She’s not referring to MY Andy. That would be weird…):

Andy was my first real boyfriend. We were 15, invincible, naive and ambitious. He was going to be the top engineer in the country, probably work on the first deep space shuttle or something equally cool. I was going to be a writer. I’d win all sorts of prizes and be bigger than all the bestselling authors combined. We believed in each other. Nothing else mattered.

“Something to Spit At” by David Alton Dodd:

It never occurred to me that I should be a writer someday, I was too busy investing my time in studies and activities and work that would never wind up leading me toward anything I even remotely enjoyed. When I was a teenager, my mother gave me her old black Underwood manual typewriter with the round keys, and since I had spare time in those days I would pound out very bad chapters for what would have been a very bad novel. It was fun. Halfway through high school I lost interest in the story and in the typewriter. And then came college.

Angie also posted a beautiful combination of words and images over at our joint blog Just Between Us: “Darkness doesn’t exist without light”.

And last but not least, my friend Aurora is launching a new (and very eloquent) blog that ruminates on life as a twenty-something who is trying to find her path — personally, professionally, and spiritually. Check out First Person Narrator! Update 10-12-2010: Or not. She took it down. Sorry!

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