Alright, I give in. I don’t like to make a big deal about these (maybe because half the time I say I’m going to do something, it’s unrealistic so I end up not doing it and thus start to look/feel like a failure??) but it’s hard not to be infected by the New Year bug that’s going around the blogosphere.

So, 2009 was pretty decent (you know, despite the biggest economic depression in decades, and a bunch of famous people dying) but I’m hoping 2010 can be even better. For my part, I “resolve” to:

  1. Get an agent.
  2. Rebuild my savings.

That’s it. Simple. (Hah!)

What are your resolutions?

(Psst: If you’re a blogger and already blogged about this, you could just comment with your link.)

8 responses to “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours…”