Today I’m over at The Solitary Panda, guest blogging for the lovely and brave Floreta while she’s in India. The theme is identity. Can you guess what I consider mine to be?
Here’s a little preview:
The chameleon
As a young child, I had a handful of close family friends, none of whom knew each other, all of whom knew a certain version of me. Then there were my school friends. Then there were my Chinese school friends. Because I wanted to be liked by them all, I learned to act a certain way for each of them, and I started to think of myself as a chameleon, constantly changing colors.
Wanna learn about the halfie and the word nerd parts? Head on over to Floreta’s for the rest. And please show her some love? Thanks!
Update: I also posted a new JBU column I wrote about all my crazy travel at the end of last year!
6 responses to “The wordy nerdy halfie chameleon”
Heading over now…
.-= • Recent post by Rebecca @ Diary of a Virgin Novelist: What writing is like =-.
Thanks, girl!
Thanks for telling us about her site! Happy Friday!!!
It’s great when you finally realize that if, on one hand, you’re all of these different things (for you: Chinese, Caucasian, writer, etc), then on the other hand, you’re none of them. A lot of freedom in that.
.-= • Recent post by Sonja: In which I bide my time =-.
Well put, Sonja. I think that’s a perspective that’s hard to see when you’re a kid. In fact, I think I’m *still* absorbing it, you know?
Identity has been the story of my life the last few years. From career woman to trailing spouse to Hausfrau and back. It’s always a great theme.
And thanks for stopping by the GLA blog and leaving a comment.
.-= • Recent post by Writer Abroad: Writer Interview: Catherine Sanderson in France =-.