How about a little humor for a Friday?

“Anybody who writes a book is an optimist. First of all, they think they’re going to finish it. Second, they think somebody’s going to publish it. Third, they think somebody’s going to read it. Fourth, they think somebody’s going to like it. How optimistic is that?”

– Margaret Atwood in an interview with CNN (via Amanda the Aspiring Writer)

Awesome, no? Then in the comments section of that interview, I found something that’s awesome in an entirely different way:

agentxyz: in 1979 a girl that i was interested in started reading The Handmaid’s Tale [by Margaret Atwood] and then became radicalized and very down on men.

guest: That’s interesting considering it wasn’t published until 1985.


Other than nerdy writing funnies, I’m keeping myself busy with the new WIP. Starting slow (daily quota of 500 words) but I’d like to finish the whole thing by April, so obviously I’ll be picking up the pace.

I’ve also started “morning pages” — which I haven’t been doing in the morning, but whatever. Through this free-writing, I’ve already gotten a new idea for a YA novel. Because, you know, FIVE ideas waiting to be written wasn’t enough.


Ah well, into the queue it goes…

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