iPad? I HAS ONE!
Okay, technically it’s Andy’s, but he has agreed to share. Really I just want it for reading via iBooks, Kindle, and Stanza, and then occasionally for those miscellaneous Google or Wikipedia moments, you know? So he’ll have it most of the time, especially for his business travel.
Oh whatever, you don’t care. Here, gaze upon our little Milo in all his Apple-icious beauty:
And here’s all 40 episodes of Twenty-Somewhere (well, the samples) loaded into the Kindle app! So purdee…
If that’s not incentive to write more books and get them published, I don’t know what is.
17 responses to “Meet Milo”
very exciting! let me know how you like it (if the reading hurts your eyes, etc.) I have a feeling that I will like e-readers once I get some good feedback. Have fun with Milo (my laptop is called Martha–sounds like a match!)
.-= • Recent post by Sarah: Staring at the Metronome =-.
One thing that is great about the iPad is its battery. We brought ours along on our trip out to visit my mother-in-law. We also brought my MacBook. This way, both kids could watch movies during the plane ride (we were often in two separate parent/child pairs on the planes, as planes don’t generally have four seats together). Well, my MacBook has a battery life of about two hours, so that’s one movie. I played a 90 minute movie on the iPad and the battery was still at 90% capacity. It was amazing. With the laptop, we’re fighting people during layovers for access to outlets. No need with the iPad. It says the battery is good for 11 hours, and it’s not lying. It’ll be a very good travel companion for Andy.
.-= • Recent post by Sonja: Dear Kristi: I have lost weight =-.
Man I am super jealous of you. That is awesome.
.-= • Recent post by Todd Newton: Trapdoor Authors: David Michie and Frank Fiore =-.
Ohhh…ahhh. That’s so pretty. I want one!!
Oh Milo’s such a cutie. You lucky woman you!
.-= • Recent post by T.S. Bazelli: Author Aerobics: Pacing Challenge =-.
I’m slightly jealous, but I’m also alright with admitting that they’re really designed for a specific user, and I’d be happier with a $200 Netbook and a Kindle :p
.-= • Recent post by Les: The new studio =-.
You didn’t…but you did!
.-= • Recent post by Angie: Empire state of mind =-.
I was told yesterday: “Erin, don’t buy the first generation iPad. It will get so much better for the next release. So don’t get me one.” FOILED!
You must tell me what eReading is like on that beautiful piece of tech!
.-= • Recent post by Erin: Erin and eBooks! =-.
That looks so awesome! I would love to see books I’ve written displayed like that, definitely some excellent incentive :)
.-= • Recent post by GingerMandy: Happies. =-.
So so so jealous. And that is so cool to see books like that on display… Must be such a great feeling.
Hannah Katy
Awesome. I want one.
.-= • Recent post by Natalie Whipple: Nerd Bullying =-.
Oo! I’m so jealous! I want one!
I Googled “New Adult” to find agents and writers in that line created by St. Martin’s. I would love to hear if you have a book for that line!
.-= • Recent post by M. Gray: And the winner is… =-.
Yay yay yay! So exciting! Now tell me how I can get 20-Somewhere onto my iPad. Just go to the Kindle store? I’m going to try it right now. And I think if you get the B&N reader, we can loan each other books (I haven’t used it yet, but I downloaded it.) What’s Stanza, for classics?
Congrats on the newest addition to your family! He’s beautiful!
.-= • Recent post by Rachele Alpine: Typewriter Vs. Computer…Bring It On =-.
I name all my electronics. Gatsby, Sally, Simone, Reggie, Moe, Milo… It’s one big happy family!
Yes, Andy keeps going on and on (and on and on and ON) about the wondrous battery life! It’s so satisfying to him when we use it for an hour and he looks at the little percentage bar and is like, “It’s only down 7%!” We’re still examining the 3G use, though, to see what plan (if any) makes sense for us.
Emily Jane-
LOL! I’d never heard of the OMG cat, but that’s funny.
Yeah, it’s definitely not a laptop replacement for us. But it’s perfect for Andy’s travel needs.
I’ll let you know. And yeah, I thought about the 1st gen vs. next gen issue, but you know what? If it’s already great, I don’t see the point in waiting when you really want it. If it didn’t do something you wanted, however, that’s a different story.
M. Gray-
I don’t think they have their own imprint or “line” yet, but I know they bought SWEET VALLEY CONFIDENTIAL, a look at the Sweet Valley twins a decade or later. That should be coming out in 2011, I think? As for me, hehe, I HOPE to be at part of the New Adult movement. We shall see. :)
Yep, Kindle store for now. I’m definitely thinking I should add it direct to the iBookstore, but it’s going to take me a little while to figure out how.
Whoa thats so awesome you got one! I don’t have one, but it seems so cool.